Weight Loss

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and faddish diets haven’t helped you reach your goals, Aveda Integrative Medical Center in California, provides medically supervised weight-loss plans to help you achieve the slimmer look you deserve. Products include diet aids like phentermine, high-protein diet plans, and a variety of supplements to kick start your metabolism. Take a step for your optimal health and well-being today. We offer following weight loss programs:

14-Day Detoxification: Lose up to 10 lbs. in 14 Days!

We encounter toxic substances from many different facets of life. Sources such as pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals enter the body through food, water, and air supplies and become trapped in our tissues and organs. Over time these substances can negatively impact our health, reduce our vitality and eventually may contribute to the development of chronic diseases.

Using a combination of carefully selected products and a methodical step-by-step diet plan, the 14 Day Detox/Cleanse Program was designed in order to introduce people to a healthy cleansing process without having to commit to a longer regimen. It is ideal for those with busy schedules or anyone new to the concept of detoxification.

Potential Benefits of Detoxification:

● Increased energy and vitality
● Weight loss and reduction in body fat
● Healthier skin and hair
● More restful sleep, clearer thinking, and happier mood
● Establish healthy habits for improved long-term health

Weight Maintenance Tips for Everyone

Lifestyle Recommendations:

1. Practice good sleep habits and get between 8-9 hours of sleep a night.
2. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
3. Avoid stress and extra obligations.
4. Engage in regular exercise such as walking, yoga, or tai chi and be sure to include the most
important activity, weight lifting for increasing lean body mass.

Dietary Recommendations:
1. Drink at least 8 glasses of purified water daily.
2. Avoid soda drinks.
3. Replace sugar with the polyol sugar xylitol.
4. Avoid white flour and all refined carbohydrates.
5. Get a balance of omega 3 oils (flax oil, fish oils) and omega 9 oils (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, and avocados) while avoiding corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and soybean oil.
6. Eat three meals a day with protein at every meal including eggs, fish, chicken and lean meat.
7. Avoid margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods.
8. Eat 5-9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily or add 1-2 teaspoons of PaleoGreens to your favorite drink daily.
9. Carry PaleoMeal Packets, PaleoBars and/or Brain Power Sours with you to prevent missing meals or snacks.

Phentermine Benefits: To A Slimmer You!

Phentermine, a stimulant, works together with neurotransmitters. It directly affects the central nervous system (CNS) to suppress appetite. Doctors usually prescribe phentermine for short-term use only. But around 50% of weight loss prescriptions are phentermine, making it one of the most prescribed medications for weight loss. There are a lot of phentermine benefits.
One of the phentermine benefits is that it boosts one’s metabolism. Metabolism is a bodily process of converting and using energy. Increase in metabolic rate would be a big help in losing weight. Aside from increasing the metabolic rate, phentermine contains antioxidants. It has catechin polyphenols, which helps in increasing levels of fat oxidation. It also stops the fat accumulation.
Aside from increasing the aforementioned benefits, one of the phentermine benefits is that it suppresses cravings and urges for eating. A lot of people find it hard to lose weight because of their hearty appetite. Diet and exercise alone may fail due to the uncontrollable urges to eat.

Another of the many phentermine benefits is that increases one’s energy. An increase in energy can be very important for people undergoing weight loss. More energy would mean more energy for exercise.

Majority of medicines cause side effects, but not everyone necessarily gets these side effects. For phentermine, some people may experience changes in sexual drive, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, bad taste in mouth, headache, inability or difficulty to sleep, overstimulation, dizziness and impotence. Contact your doctor right away if you experience the following side effects: chest pain, pounding in the chest, fast heartbeat, tremor, allergic reactions like hives, rash, tightness in the chest, swelling of the face, and difficulty in breathing. It is also important to note that you should consult your doctor before taking phentermine.

Amidst the side effects, phentermine benefits cannot be denied. Phentermine, by far, is the most beneficial weight loss drug in the market.

High Protein Supplements, Energy Injections & Pellets

Losing weight can be hard. The High Protein Diet Plan is a real solution to reduce weight. Stop fad dieting! More and more people are learning to maintain healthy weight by life style and dietary modifications.

Weekly MethylCobalmine Injections

The Methylcobalamin Form of B12: We use methylcobalamin form of B12 as a base for our unique MIC Plus injectable formula that, when used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, helps you reduce weight. It comes in pills form,also.

Weight Loss Support Packets

Weight Loss Support Packets are designed to help the body:
● Use fat for fuel
● Improve insulin sensitivity
● Modulate cortisol
● Reduce cravings
● Improve metabolism
● Increase energy
● Improve leptin resistance

Each packet contains:
• Carnitine Synergy™ (2 capsules): promotes optimal fat burning by the mitochondria.
• EndoTrim™ (2 capsules): comprehensive endocrine balancing formula designed to promote optimal insulin, leptin and cortisol balance.
• Thermo-EFx™ (1 capsule): supports healthy weight loss by helping to increase the body’s metabolic rate safely.

Weight Loss Q & A

Losing weight boils down to consuming fewer calories than you burn in a day. By eating around 500-1,000 fewer calories each day, you should lose about 1-2 pounds a week. Sounds easy, right?

Dr. Saxena understands that weight loss can be challenging, especially if you’ve lost weight only to gain it back with yo-yo dieting. That’s why she and the team at Aveda Integrative Medical Center offer medically supervised weight-loss programs to help you achieve your goals for a healthy weight — and keep the weight off for good.

Aveda Integrative Medical Center provides a medically supervised weight-loss program to help you reach your goals for a slimmer appearance and healthier lifestyle. Dr. Saxena tailors the program to your individual needs, recommending supplements and diet aids, such as the appetite suppressant phentermine, as needed, along with other weight-loss aids.


Phentermine is a prescription medication that directly affects your central nervous system to suppress your appetite and curb cravings. Dr. Saxena typically prescribes this medication for short-term use.

High-protein diet plan

A solution to yo-yo dieting, the plan helps you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight through lifestyle changes and dietary modifications. Dr. Saxena often recommends weekly injections of methylcobalamin, a form of vitamin B12, to assist in weight loss.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) softgels

CLA may kickstart your body’s own fat metabolism process, making it easier for you to achieve a slimmed down appearance. Research shows CLA promotes muscle growth and inhibits the production of fat cells, improving the shape of your body.

Depending on your individual body composition and weight-loss goals, you might also benefit from:

  • EndoTrim™:nutritional support for weight loss that includes ginseng and metabolism-boosting ingredients
  • CarbXzyme™:helps to prevent the digestion of starches, controlling your intake of carbohydrates
  • CraveArrest™:balances your neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine, to help tamp down cravings
  • 7-Keto®: promotes weight loss without the use of stimulants